Home Cats Treats Chewy & Softer Treats Inaba Churu Pops Chicken Recipe Inaba Inaba Churu Pops Chicken Recipe 5 3 reviews Churu Pops, fun snacks designed to feed them directly from the packaging to cats and strengthen the ties between them and their owners. See full description Format 4x15 gr £2.29 £38.17/KG Order 2 units, don't run out of it x1 £2.29 £2.29/unit x2 -£0.05 £4.53 £2.24 last unit x3 -£0.07 £6.80 £2.22 last unit x5 -£0.11 £11.34 £2.18 last unit Buy it with... Inaba Churu Tuna with Salmon Recipe 4x14 gr £3.29 You may also like Inaba Churu Pops Tuna with Chicken Recipe 4x15 gr (1) £2.99 Add to my Autoship Order Select an Autoship to add this product. Add to cart Trixie Premio Paté salmon para gatos 75 GR (4) -30% £1.77 Add to my Autoship Order Select an Autoship to add this product. Add to cart Inaba Churu Pops Tuna Recipe 4x15 gr (2) £2.29 Add to my Autoship Order Select an Autoship to add this product. Add to cart Inaba Snack Churu Bites Tuna Recipe with Salmon for Cats 3x10 gr (5) £2.54 Add to cart Ingredients Inaba Churu Pops Chicken Recipe Chicken (33.3%), scallop extract, Green tea extract. 6.7g agar, guar gum 6.7g, 1.7g Xanthan gum. Protein 9.0% 0.6% fat Crude fibers 0.1% Crude ash 1.3% Humidity 88.0% Caloric content 7.0 kcal / tube 0.6% fat Crude fibers 0.1% Crude ash 1.3% Water content 88.0% 7.0 Caloric content kcal / tube feeds your cat as a gift. Refrigerate after opening and serve as soon as possible. Provide clean, fresh water daily. Vitamin E 550mg. Features Inaba Churu Pops Chicken Recipe Reference8859387701008 Weight60 GR Type FlavorChicken BrandInaba Product Range Format4x15 gr Description Inaba Churu Pops Chicken Recipe Churu Pops, fun snacks designed to feed them directly from the packaging to cats and strengthen the ties between them and their owners. Customer Reviews Inaba Churu Pops Chicken Recipe 5 Stars | 3 reviews 5 Stars 100% 4 Stars 0% 3 Stars 0% 2 Stars 0% 1 Stars 0% Write a review Reviews in other countries Adora! ESTÁN OBSESIONADOS CON ESTO, MUY BUENO Os gatos adoram. Related categories Treats for cats Treats Inaba for cats Treats for cats Treats chicken for cats Chewy & Softer Treats for cats Chewy & Softer Treats Inaba for cats Chewy & Softer Treats for cats Chewy & Softer Treats chicken for cats Chewy & Softer Treats for cats Standard price £2.29 Autoship order How does it work? Save in your Autoship deliveries! + info -5% In stock We recommend you see these alternatives with a delivery date confirmed by the supplier. - + Add to cart Save purchasing more than 1 unit Prices valid for today
Ingredients Inaba Churu Pops Chicken Recipe Chicken (33.3%), scallop extract, Green tea extract. 6.7g agar, guar gum 6.7g, 1.7g Xanthan gum. Protein 9.0% 0.6% fat Crude fibers 0.1% Crude ash 1.3% Humidity 88.0% Caloric content 7.0 kcal / tube 0.6% fat Crude fibers 0.1% Crude ash 1.3% Water content 88.0% 7.0 Caloric content kcal / tube feeds your cat as a gift. Refrigerate after opening and serve as soon as possible. Provide clean, fresh water daily. Vitamin E 550mg.
Description Inaba Churu Pops Chicken Recipe Churu Pops, fun snacks designed to feed them directly from the packaging to cats and strengthen the ties between them and their owners.